What some have said about Kamala Harris

Senator Kamala Harris‘ campaign will certainly be about a bunch of issues. But her announcing her candidacy on MLK Day and then having a press conference at Howard University illustrates her putting race and her blackness at the center of her bid. That’s an interesting choice.

I disagree strongly with Kamala Harris‘s politics, I’m on the right, she’s on the left, but think about it: It’s Martin Luther King Jr Day 2019, and a black woman just announced she’s running for President of the United States. That’s pretty cool. That’s a big deal.

5 hours ago

Kamala Harris is the new Obama!” No. She’s Kamala Harris. She’s qualified She’s experienced She’s able She’s articulate She’s fierce She’s knowledgeable She’s straightforward She’s educated She’s compassionate She’s mother She’s wife She’s daughter She’s PRESIDENTIAL

Whether Kamala Harris is your first choice or not, you have a responsibility to push back against the misrepresentations and lies that the fringe left, the right, and the bots are spreading about her. Let’s not allow the bottom feeders to do to Kamala what they did to Hillary.

Stop saying that Kamala Harris is the “female Obama”, or the “black Hillary Clinton”. Kamala Harris is Kamala Harris, and she’s qualified to run for President based on her own resume and history, not anyone else’s.

Kamala Harris penned a blog post about why she’s running for president. Among her positions: • Universal health care • Tax breaks for middle-class and working families • Eliminating for-profit prisons

Replying to

Hey sis, here is some additional info on Kamala Harris that tends to be buried at the end of those hit pieces:

Kamala Harris’s prosecutor record isn’t above criticism, but it’s unfair to focus on just that and ignore her Senate one. Her Progressive Punch score is higher than Bernie & Warren. Might be too much to ask of this hellsite, but let’s paint the whole picture with 2020 critiques.

Published by oneonlinenews

I am a journalist covering health and business.

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